Videos & Podcasts for education

“I had to have the five-gallon container in the pushchair and stagger along the road to fill the blessed thing up and then heave it into the pushchair and then push that back with [18 month old] Becky beside me.”

Hear what it was like to live through the 1976 drought from the people who were there, take in the dramatic experiences of firefighters battling wildfires in the UK and watch videos that break down the misconceptions about water shortage and drought in the UK, featuring people on the frontline of its impact today.

Communications experts on the About Drought programme have sourced and produced a series of informative and evocative videos and podcasts which bring the research to life for all ages and audiences.

Drought myths #2. Droughts only happen in the summer

The drought myth “Droughts only happen in the summer” is busted by Jamie Hannaford (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Andrew McKenzie (British Geological Survey) and Andrew Tucker (Thames Water).